Thursday, September 8, 2011

Haiku: Fall

                                                         Leaves fall down from the trees,
                                                         On to the leaf covered grounds.
                                                                     It is so pretty.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

All About Me

Age: 7
Name: Molly
School: M Academy
Room Number: 1
Grade: 3rd
Teacher: Mrs.S
Hobby's: Biking, Reading, Playing video games, Watching T.V., and Typing my Blog

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My First Day of School

Today was the first day of school. I go to M* Academy and I'm in third grade. I'm in Mrs.S*'s class.I already made a friend today. His name is Shaun Whatshisname. I also made another friend, but I forgot what her name is. I found out that every Monday we're gonna' have an assembly to just talk about what's going on in the school. We also have specials. Spanish, P.E., Music, Art, and Computers (We get to use laptops in computers!) :-). We got to pick our own seats today! I chose to have my seat in the back of the classroom, but I can still see fine. We have to wear uniforms to school. Today I wore a beige skirt, a navy blue shirt,white tights, and black dress shoes. I can't really think of anything else to write about, so I'll see you soon. Bye!

* Mom changed this on purpose.